December 29, 2003

Herod is Alive

The Feast of the Holy Innocents

Though this issue has arisen a couple of times recently in this blog, it is appropriate that I mention it again today. Today in the Orthodox Church we commemorate the infants who were ordered by Herod to be killed in his attempt to kill the Saviour of the World.

In an attempt to hold on to power, Herod murdered children. The spirit of Herod is still with us today. Everyone who is willing to sacrifice infants upon the altar of power has the spirit of Herod dwelling within them.

Herod is alive in the Orthodox Church. He comes in various forms. He is Herod Sarbanes and Herodias Snowe, who would sacrifice the unborn on the altar of political power. He is Herod Demetrios and Herod Bartholomeos, who would sacrifice the unborn in the name of the Christ's and His Church to pander favour with the State.

The Herods of this world can build great temples for God, but it is not that for which they will be remembered. Eventually, and inevitably, Herodian temples fall under the judgment of God. The Herods of this world will eventually perish, like the Innocents they put to the sword. However, the Innocents, like the rest of the martyrs, sit beneath the Throne of the Lamb for Whose sake they gave their lives. We know they are not silent, but they cry out "How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?''

The bishops of the Orthodox Church, the civil rulers who claim to be members of the Orthodox Church, and every Orthodox believer should bear this in mind when they read the words of our Lord and Saviour as recorded by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew: "And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?''

They should bear this in mind during the litanies in the services of the Church. This is what is at stake when we pray, "Lord, have mercy."

Posted by david at December 29, 2003 12:16 AM | TrackBack

David, a very heavy post sir.

I mentioned in my comment box the possibility of getting Frank Schaeffer's input. He receives far more attention than any of the patriarches and could create a strong reaction.

Posted by: aaron at December 29, 2003 08:53 PM