August 31, 2003

Many Years

Today is Aidan's name day. Unfortunately he had to spend most of it watching us paint. I had hoped we could have gone to church in Shrewsbury today, but we were running out of time to get the house painted before getting carpet down.

He got his presents first thing and then watched a Veggie Tales video while we got ready to go over to the new house.

I had wanted to get him a new Veggie Tales for his name day, as he is wearing out the ones he has. I didn't plan well enough ahead, so we'll have to get it some other time. It will have to be soon, as Mrs H is not sure how much more she can stand of the same songs over and over.

With all the new house prep, mummy didn't have the time or the memory to bake a cake for the day. Fortunately we had a sticky toffee pudding in the freezer which did nicely. Aidie deemed to enjoy it. So did daddy, though daddy had less of it on his face and fingers.

I pray Aidie has many, many more name days and that God will grant him many years.

Posted by david at August 31, 2003 11:03 PM | TrackBack