August 29, 2004

Death, Drugs, and David Blunkett

It comes as no surprise that the Government's sex education and teen pregnancy initiatives and policies continue to fail miserably. The abortion figures for 2003 have been released and the number of babies legally murdered in this country has reached an all-time high.

Last year, trained medical professionals separated the bodies and souls of over 190,000 children, beating the old record of 187,000 set in 1998. This does not take into account the "morning after pill" distributed like candy, nor the abortifacient effects of the Pill or other birth control methods. Of the 190,000+ abortions, 37,043 of the mothers were aged 15 to 19. That is over 1,000 more than in the 25-29 age bracket. 1,171 were under 15.

If you are a British taxpayer, you paid for 80% of those "procedures".

But it isn't just the teen pregnancy policy that's failing. Figures published Friday show that teenage drug use is increasing. Despite the hours and hours of anti-drug PSHE classes in school, levels of drug use amongst 14- and 15-year-olds is at its highest ever.

It's not just official policy that is the problem. It is the culture that the Government promotes. It has systematically and relentlessly attacked and undermined any residual Christian values and morality left in this godless land. It leads by example, when ministers have been caught up in scandals that would have required disgraceful resignation in the previous Government and any other before it. Instead they are supported, praised, and promoted. This is a Government that thumbs its nose - or more accurately gives two fingers (British readers will understand what I mean) - to any suggestion of accountability.

Most recently we've had a Home Secretary who refused to stop pestering his married ex-lover to such an extent that she had to use civil servants as witnesses to her demand that he leave her alone. Not that the civil servants weren't already aware of the relationship. After all, some of them were with him when he took her on foreign holidays, posing as husband and wife. It would be a bit ironic if the Cabinet minister responsible for law enforcement has to have a restraining order placed against him. But there is no suggestion that David Blunkett's position is less than secure.

That's the message of this Government. And they wonder why their policies don't work.

Posted by david at August 29, 2004 03:42 AM | TrackBack

I sincerely hope the impeachment attempt against Tony Blair succeeds. The man has a lot of blood on his hands.

Posted by: Elizabeth at August 29, 2004 08:45 AM

I fear for this generation, and I live in a fairly upscale suburb of the USA. Divorce, drugs, peer-abuse (physical and emotional), sexually transmitted diseases, boys who have no concept of what it means to be men and girls of what it means to be women, parents who provide alcohol or use drugs with their kids. I don't know if there will be anyone left to raise the next generation. Some of the problems may be overcome with much work and suffering; others simply won't be.

Posted by: Jan Bear at August 30, 2004 04:30 PM