December 15, 2003

Jet Lag

What do you do with a two-year-old who is wide awake at 1:00am? After all, he thinks it is 7:00, normally bath time. Unfortunately, he had his bath at the real 6:45 and two naps on either side.

Mrs H and Aidie have been in Texas for the last three weeks. Aidie had not problem with jat lag going over, but it appears that the effects of the return trip will not be as smooth. Mummy would like to get back on the right schedule, but unfortunately Daddy has to be up early for work. On top of this, Aidie is having to go cold turkey with withdrawals from weeks of grandparent spoiling and attention.

We are fortunately that Aidie is only mildy exhibiting the terrible twos under normal circumstances.

Posted by david at December 15, 2003 01:09 AM | TrackBack

i can see by the typos, you're either tired or in a hurry. Hang in there.

Posted by: aaron at December 16, 2003 12:09 AM

I was tired. Tonight is round two.

Posted by: David Holford at December 16, 2003 02:12 AM