August 17, 2003

In Appreciation of All Your Hard Work

It's not just patients who are treated callously by the NHS here in Hooterville. They don't take care of their own very well, either. A staff nurse at the hospital recently retired after 27 years and received a retirement gift of £58 from Hereford Hospitals Trust. That's about £2 for each year of service.

You think that stingy? As usual, the story doesn't end there, and of course it gets worse.

Her gift was followed up by a letter from the trust claiming that she had been overpaid £154.75 and threatening legal action. This does not take into account the many hours of unpaid overtime she put in over more than a quarter century. The overpayment was not even due to any fault of her own. The department in which she worked didn't give enough notice to the finance department to stop her pay in time.

Posted by david at August 17, 2003 04:27 PM | TrackBack