July 28, 2003


We don't let Aidie have a lot of chocolate. The upside of this is that he doesn't get too used to lots of sweets and things that aren't good for him. The downside is that when he gets chocolate, he is very possessive.

He got chocolate today because it was vaccination day. Chocolate Buttons are a great distraction from big needles. While he was in the waiting room at the doctors' surgery an elderly man saw him enjoying his Buttons and said, "Oooh, what do you have there?" Aidie eyed him with suspicion. Then the man said, "Why don't you give your mummy one?" Aidie quickly closed the packet with his hand and pulled it close to his chest. He quickly went and sat in his pushchair to make sure they were out of reach of any possible poachers.

We have made progress when it comes to sharing most things. But as he has learned from his mother, chocolate isn't like most things.

Posted by david at July 28, 2003 11:32 PM | TrackBack