July 03, 2003

Peace and Quiet

This morning Mrs Holford and child went shopping in Worcester. It was the first time I had been alone in the flat for about two weeks. I could actually hear myself think. I was able to get some substantial work done on the Meandering due out shortly.

When they returned this afternoon, it was back to normal. Mrs Holford was on the computer in her eternal quest for cheap buttons and Aidie was racing around from danger to danger, only stopping in the middle long enough to demand that I read Farm Animals three times in a row. At one point the noise and frenetic activity was so overwhelming that I sat back in the chair just closed my eyes.

Aidie is now briefly corralled behind the baby gate while Kelly works on more things for her craft stall. This just means that he can play with all the electronic toys simultaneously, which will soon be partly drowned out the automatic weapon sounds of the sewing machine.

Now to finish that Meandering...

Posted by david at July 3, 2003 04:42 PM