March 26, 2003

War has always had rules.

War has always had rules.

The Iraqis have completely ignored the rules. They have executed prisoners of war, use civilians as human shields, pretended to surrender and then fired on their “captors”. Now they have given weapons to children to fire at the Coalition forces.

This last development places a great strain on your average US Marine, who man be a lean, mean, fighting machine but generally doesn’t like killing school kids. But what can they do when being fired upon? This is a win/win situation for the Saddam’s regime. Children can kill unsuspecting US troops, but if a single child gets killed in the process, you know their body will be shown on every al-Jezeera broadcast from now until the end of the war. The Americans will be branded as child-killers.

All I can say is that these Iraqis have a lot of chutzpah. They berate the US for hitting a marketplace and killing a few civilians, and at the same time put their children on the front line.

Posted by david at March 26, 2003 08:43 AM