April 12, 2003

Something Positive from the EU

Something Positive from the EU

I’m not particularly pro-European and it is rare that the EU does anything worthwhile.

For two years, the UK Government has allowed therapeutic cloning. This is the cloning of human embryos to create tissue for research into disease treatment, or for farming of stem cells to attempt to cure the patient from whom the clone is derived.

However, in a move welcomed by Pro-lifers everywhere, the EU Parliament has voted to set quality and safety standard that effectively outlaw therapeutic cloning and end British embryo research.

The Impossible Nightmare?

It is possible that despite the desires of the new eugenicists, cloning of human may never be possible. This is according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School. The technique that has been used for farm animals, such as the late Dolly, does not seem to work for primates.

They unsuccessfully tried to clone over 700 eggs, in the process identifying what was going wrong. The basic differences mean that reproductive cloning (where the purpose is to birth a cloned child) may be impossible.

I have no doubt they will keep trying. Human reproductive cloning would be a crowning achievement for a mankind trying desperately to separate itself from its Creator. I’m waiting for scientists to start trying to create people out of dirt. Now that will impressive. Of course if they want to be like God, they will have to create the dirt, too. Out of nothing, of course.

Ya’ll Come Back Now

After clearing the queues at passport control with his bungling of the Foot and Mouth Crisis, Tony Blair is hoping to boost the tourism to Britain by appearing on The Simpsons. Well, I suppose “appearing” isn’t the right word.

There has been some criticism of Tony for taking time out from the war to record for the primetime TV cartoon, which appears on BBC2. Frankly, there is a lot more worthy of criticism. Considering that this had been booked months in advance, that it took a matter of a few minutes, and that he never had to leave 10 Downing to do it, I’m not that bothered.

Blair will be in a British guest cast that includes Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling appearing as herself, Sir Ian “Gandalf” McKellen, and Monty Python alumnus Eric Idle.

And if it will bring across a few more Simpsons viewer to visit this country, I’m all for it. British tourism-related businesses (especially the hard-hit bed and breakfasts) need the money. And since no one ever ventures out this far from London, I don’t have to listen to those annoying American accents.

And in Other News…

I don’t usually recommend either The New York Times or CNN for accurate and unbiased reporting of the news, but if you haven’t seen it already, click on this interesting op/ed piece from the chief new executive of the latter in yesterday’s edition of the former: The News We Kept to Ourselves. Free registration may be required to view this article.

Posted by david at April 12, 2003 09:23 PM